Transmission repair manuals ZF 5HP18

Information about rebuild transmission ZF 5HP18

One of the features of ZF 5HP18 is its increased reliability and durability. Transmission is able to be exploited in the harshest conditions. Thus, for example, it can be exploited in the mode of oil starvation when the minimum pressure is provided in the lubrication system. If oil changes are done regularly, transmission can easily overcome 400 — 500 thousand kilometers. The number of gears was increased that significantly improved the implementation of the dynamic indices of today’s powerful engines.

Automatic transmissions ZF 5HP18 turned out quite reliable. However, it would be wrong to claim that it doesn’t have any disadvantages. For example, the clutch and the valve body often cause problems. If something is wrong with the clutch, it is necessary to remove the gearbox and replace the failed clutch shaft and basket. In some cases, the valve body can be repaired, allowing restoring its efficiency. However, after a run of 300 — 400 thousand kilometers this element requires a replacement in cases of failure. The specialists of the BMW and manufacturers from ZF recommend changing the oil and filtering every 100,000 kilometers. Thus, you won’t have to repair ZF 5HP18 too often.

ZF 5hp18 transmission fluid

Original Oil ZF S671 090 170 1 — liter bottle 

BMW number 8322 9407807

Audi number G 052162A1 / A2 / A6

Fluid Capacity: 6.1 liters (change), 10.5 liters (full)

transmission fluid zf5hp

ZF5HP18 Transmission parts scheme

ZF 5HP18 scheme

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