Transmission repair manuals RL4F02A \ RE4F02A

Information about rebuild transmission RL4F02A \ RE4F02A

In the process of exploitation of this modification of automatic transmissions, they have established themselves as reliable and unproblematic. This type of transmissions does not require any significant service modification. Their only drawback — it is quite expensive repairs of modified automatic transmission RL4F02A that due to the lack of new parts on that model of transmissions. Using fully automatic solenoids significantly improve the quality of lubrication and cooling of automatic gearboxes. At the same time car owners are faced with the need for frequent replacement of defective solenoids.

RL4F02A/RE4F02A Transmission problems

Another widespread breakdown of automatic transmission RL4F02A is the occurrence of leaks from under the pads of the box. Car owners need to fix that leak, that will prevent oil starvation mobile elements of transmission. Otherwise, with a significant decrease in oil pressure of the box starts to cool, lubricate moving parts significantly deteriorates. All this leads to an increase in the load, and as a result to serious engine damage.

Rebuild video

Regularly inspect automatic gearbox for leaks and oil pads damage. Wear of the frictions and the appearance of aluminum powder in oil pollute the valve body and significantly impairs lubrication of gearbox. That’s why experts recommend regular oil changes with a mandatory procedure of cleaning the radiator and valve body with special formulations. Thus, you can maximize the durability of your transmission.

Transmission scheme

RE4F02A scheme

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