Transmission repair manuals AW 450-43LE

Information about transmission AW 450-43LE

To experts and owners of SUVs and crossovers this modified automatic transmission has proven itself trustworthy. Only the fraying of metal parts was noted to be the failing cause of AW 450-43LE. Such failure only appears when run 200 000 kilometers.

The first part to suffer is the torque converter, which is responsible for the greasing and cooling of the gearbox. The torque converter includes solenoids that open and close the oil channels. During the use of the gearbox solenoids gradually become clogged with wear, which is in the transmission oil. If the car owner does not follow the recommendations and does not change the transmission oil, it can lead to serious problems with the torque converter even when run at 100 000 kilometers. That is why it is recommended to change oil and clean metal filters every 50000 kilometers. The rubber pads ooze oil when worn out, that’s why they need timely change and repair. Which leads to oil starvation, cooling problems and breakdowns.

The repair of AW 450-43LE may extend to a valve plate or oil pump. You must remember to change all damaged solenoids together, not separately. If changed separately the greasing quality of the gearbox declines.

Transmission scheme

AW450 tranismission scheme

AW 450-43LE Stall Test

AW450-43le stall

AW 450-43LE Solenoids


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