Transmission repair manuals A540 / A541

Information about transmission A540 / A541

You can use this transmission with engines that have high torques. This has been achieved because of friction modifications and increase of valve body. In fact, this modification of gearbox had lasted at conveyor until 2001. Modification A540 became popular, it is made of four solenoids and friction clutches. Due to its reliability and simplicity, this automatic gearbox meets often enough in domestic market. It’s not so difficult to repair this transmission. Qualified repairs can be done in specialized service center and by private masters that are specialized on repairs of transmission.

As for the service of Automatic Transmission A540, you must change oil and filter. This procedure is recommended to conduct every 40.000 kilometers. By doing that you can provide the most possible durability and hassle-free usage of this car. The first modifications of this Automatic Gearbox A540 series had certain problems with reverse.
The solution was the replacing of friction clutches and separate gearbox reels. A mileage for about 250 000-300 000 kilometers can lead to the problems with torque converter and solenoids. You have to watch oil levels very closely; it will let you not to have problems with valve body.

Transmission scheme

A540 transmission scheme

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